Period problems

  • Period problems, such as heavy bleeding, prolonged or irregular periods are common. Irregular periods, outside of a 28 day cycle, or bleeds between periods can be sign of conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), womb polyps, or adenomyosis.

  • Problematic or irregular periods are common. They may be heavy or you may have your period too frequently, impairing day to day life and prevent you doing the activities that you want. However, if these are heavy on a regular basis you can develop anaemia (a low blood count). This can make you tired, lose concentration, or short of breath on physical exertion.

  • Periods problems can be caused by many different conditions. The most common conditions include polyps, adenomyosis, fibroids, PCOS, cancer or pre-cancerous cells. Our specialists understand that worries about cancer can be very stressful. We offer biopsy tests to exclude cancer regularly as your peace of mind is essential.

  • If your periods have changed or cause you to worry about when or where they'll start, come and speak with one of our experienced gynaecologists.

  • We offer a high-quality, accurate ultrasound service, which is often able to establish a diagnosis immediately.

    The treatment of period problems ranges from hormonal to non-hormonal medicines and minimally invasive surgical options, which for those that need it includes hysterectomy. Mr Hirsch is trained to manage irregular periods in adults and teenagers and can help you decide the right treatment for you.